Do You Hear What You See?
Skateboarding, Music & Fun! These are the reasons that led to Tim Kerr, Scott Stanton and Lindsey Kuhn to meet and stay friends since the age of 15. Through the years they have used their individual creative talents based in skateboard and music culture to become successful artists, musicians and part time trouble makers. We are really excited to see what they have planned; all 3 will be at the gallery for the opening reception.
From Lindsey Kuhn:
Tim Kerr, from Austin, TX, was in a skate rock band called the Big Boys which was a big influence on my life, making me see that it was ok to be strange or different and have a great time doing what came naturally! Tim has gone on to be in many great bands. Including Poison 13, Bad Mutha Goose, Monkeywrench, Jack O’Fire and many more, as well as recording and producing other bands all over the world. He also has been a skater, artist and all around good person, blazing trails in so many directions and having fun the whole time. Now he has been traveling the world doing art shows as well as playing his music.
Scott Stanton was a grom around ’84 that came to the “Swamp Ramp” and within a few hours was learning new tricks. He was a natural ripper. We basically grew up together along the Gulf Coast promoting Vert skating to the fullest. He ended up turning pro for Zorlac Skateboards. He also played music and has been in many bands including The Causey Way and Pilot Scott Tracy! He eventually started having art shows under the alias “Panhandle Slim” and is now based out of Savannah , GA. His most recent show was at GCSU’s Museum of Modern Art at Blackbridge Hall.
As for me, I was in a band in high school for about 3 weeks and then I got kicked out because I was always skating and not showing up for practice. I still continue to do what I did then… skateboard and make stuff. I have been working on new originals for this show and can’t wait to see what Tim and Scott bring. It’s gonna be a fun show!

Tim Kerr “Vivian Maier”

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